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Laser Hair Removal


This diamond standard of hair removal has crystal freeze technology that cools the skin whilst treating a full leg in only 10 minutes. Laser hair removal is completely safe for all skin types and now using the latest technology you can be hair free in as little as 3 sessions.

How It Works

Laser treatment affects hair in the active growth phase (anagen stage). The laser beam is made up of precisely controlled pulses of energy which are absorbed by the melanin or pigment in the hair and reaches into the active hair follicles that lie beneath the skin.

The energy heats the hair, right down to the bottom of the root, safely destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin. At any one time, only a small percentage of follicles will be in the anagen phase, so a course of treatment is needed to ensure that all follicles are affected and will not produce any more hair.

The Procedure

The process begins with a consultation to discuss the area of treatment and an initial assessment. During this consultation we will also do a patch test on the area you have selected for treatment, in order to ensure we are using safe and effective settings tailored to you and your skin type.

On the day of your first treatment, we will cleanse & mark out the area that needs to be treated with a soft pencil to ensure that nowhere is missed. Once the laser is ready, the hand piece will be applied to the skin. Some clients have reported a slight tingling sensation on the surface of the skin during treatment.

What Is Tattoo Laser removal

Tattoo ink particles are too large for the body’s immune system to remove naturally because when tattoo pigment is injected into the lower layers of the skin (dermis) it becomes locked away by a wall of collagen fibres. Tattoo laser removal produce very short bursts of high energy laser light. The light is absorbed by the large ink particles, generating heat that shatters the tattoo pigment into minute particles which the body is able to remove. Because the tattoo ink selectively absorbs the laser energy, the surrounding skin doesn’t overheat and there is no lasting damage.

✔Remove all colours of tattoos
✔Suitable for all skin types
✔ Non aggressive to skin

Who Can Have the treatment

We can treat all skin types with the AW3 ND YAG Q-switch laser machine. we can set the machine with the skin type you are to give you the best results. We determine your skin type by our fitzpatrick scale. (see above photo)

Before any treatment begins we will need to know your medical history

Other body laser removal Services

At skins and needles Cambridgeshire we dont only offer tattoo laser removal. Other treatments we can carry out are:

- Semi permanent make up removal

- removal of microblading eyebrows

- Freckle removal

- Solar Lentigines (sunspots) removal

- Thread veins (broken veins) removal

The process is the same as tattoo laser removal. Any questions please email us

Laser Aftercare Pre / Post Instructions

Pre -Treatment Care

It is important that before receiving the AW3 IPL/Laser Treatment you follow the recommended pre-treatment guidelines for 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE TREATMENT.

  • Do not use sun beds

  • Do not sun bathe

  • Do not use tanning Cream

  • For thread vein, DO NOT SMOKE for 4 hours before the treatment

Please shave the area to be treated the day before or on the day of the treatment


Post Treatment Care

After any AW3 IPL/ Laser treatment, it is common for the area to feel slightly warm. It is also common to experience some redness, Local swelling and mild tenderness. These symptoms may appear immediately or a few days after treatment.

  • The use of is recommended directly after the treatment and for a further few days if necessary.

  • An can be applied if the area feels hot or uncomfortable.

  • A high should be applied when outside for 4 weeks after treatment. Excessive exposure can cause hypo or hyper pigmentation of the skin.

  • After three days the use of LASER AFTERCARE BALM is recommended. A small amount to be used on the treatment area. This can be used 2-3 times daily, as required to moisture and maintain the treatment area.


For the next 48 hours (after all treatments):

  • Avoid all heat treatments such as steam rooms, saunas, hot baths, hot showers and excessive exercise.

  • Avoid all perfumed creams, soaps and lotions on the treatment area. Only use 100 % Aloe Vera gel.

  • Do not touch, pick or scratch the area

  • Do not use any anti-inflammatory products for 7 days after treatment


NOTE: If you find the area treated is sensitive, continue the list above for the next week. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

Carbon laser Facial Treatment

Carbon laser Facial (sometimes known as Charcoal facial) is a revolutionary laser treatment that is completely painless with minimal - to -zero downtime. The laser works by penetrating the lower layer of the skin the dermis and the top layer known as epidermis. By working on both layers we get instant results as well as long term results.
It is highly beneficial for people with oily skin, blackheads, enlarged pours, dull skin and acne on the face or body.
A Layer of Liquid Carbon is applied to the skin, where it penetrates deep into the pours. Laser light is highly attracted to the carbon particles. When the laser is passed over the area, it destroys the carbon, taking dead skin cells, contaminants and oil with it.


Acne is caused by an over production of sebaceous oils being produced and then getting blocked by excess keratin within the pour meaning the oil cannot freely move up to the skins surface and disperse. A skin bacteria known as propion acnes then feeds on the excess sebaceous oil and multiplies. In severe cases of acne the walls of the glands break and the acids and oil spill out causing further inflammation.
Acne treatment works in two ways, firstly the laser light heats up the capillaries supplying the sebaceous glands with excess oil production and essentially makes them dormant so an over-supply is not created. The heat also kills the P acne bacteria to stop the spreading of the acne. The laser also exfoliates the skin surface making the acne build up finer and smoother. This treatment works by penetrating the dermis and epidermis for an instant result as well as reduced acne within the future.


This treatment will improve the appearance of wrinkles. The heat from the laser penetrates deep into the skin, in turn this creates an inflammatory response within the dermal layers. The response is for the body to immediately start repairing the area that thinks has been damaged. This is done by the body producing new collagen within the area which creates a smoother skin appearance and thus reducing wrinkles

Large Pores / Skin tone

 The blast of energy onto the carbon paste which is applied to the skin surface creates an exfoliating effect to the epidermis which reduces the appearance of open pores and tones the skin. These are the instant results that can be seen within this treatment and will brighten up any complexion.


Using this treatment to reduce pigmentation, the laser penetrates into the skin where the pigmentation sits. The laser works in two ways to remove the pigmentation. Firstly the blast of laser energy into the skin destroys the pigmentation by making it shatter into smaller pieces. The body is then able to recognize it as foreign object and start to remove it from the body. The heat also dries up the pigmentation and can make it come out of the skin physically by creating a crust on the skins surface which will gradually fall off without any help and the area will become lighter.

How many treatments are needed?

A course of 6 - 8 treatments is required for full results however clients will see a result after just one session. We advise customers to have a treatment once per month/ with 6 week intervals. Future treatments may be needed as results will depend on the clients life style. Top up treatments may be carried out as and when the customer feels they need it.



67e Victoria Road,


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