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Pre & Post Care Brows and Lip Blush

Pre procedure care

You MUST be off Accutane or any prescribed acne medications for 1 year before treatment. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Tweez and shape brows a week  before your appointment.  

DO NOT take aspirin, fish oil, niacin, vitamin e, and/or ibuprofen or blood thinners

48 hours prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine.

DO NOT drink coffee, alcohol, or energy drinks 24 hours before your procedure to avoid

bleeding/oozing and scab formation.  ​

​DO NOT have any chemical peels, microdermabrasion, mesotherapy, Latisse, Revitabrow, or other hair growth serums or intense treatments 3-4 WEEKS before the procedure.  

DO NOT tan or sunbathe 30 DAYS before & after the procedure.

Not following these steps WILL lead to excess bleeding, blurry strokes and undesirable colour

​Post procedure

Do not get brows wet for 7 days after precedure

 This includes any water, so no swimming, steam or hot water from the shower, makeup, setting sprays, perfume, etc. Even a small drop that seems unimportant may expand the wound, cause infection, or create a scab which will pull your pigment out with it.  After 7 days, you may shower normally, and wash your face with a gentle cleanser

Apply a light coating of healing balm (given during appointment) during healing process

DO NOT drink coffee, alcohol, or energy drinks, or take ibuprofen/aspirin until after your procedure to avoid bleeding/oozing and scab formation. (Tylenol is ok.) 

DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any flaking or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring.

NO Sweating. You MUST refrain from working out and sweating (even a little) for 7 DAYS to prevent the salt & oils from damaging your pigment or creating a cloudy/powdered effect.

NO facials, retinols, AHA's, botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 6-8 WEEKS after your initial procedure and 4 weeks after your touch-up. NO Latisse, Revitabrow, Grande Lash or other lash/brow serum 30 DAYS before & after treatment is fully healed or you may shift your pigment.

WAIT 2 WEEKS before threading or waxing brows, and 4 WEEKS before tinting.  Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 DAYS.  Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3 WEEKS after procedure.  Happy healing!​

​What to expect  during healing & long term care


​Colour will appear darker and bolder in the first few days after the procedure.  Once healed, the color will generally fade anywhere from 10-50%. After the flaky layer of skin sheds naturally, (DO NOT PICK!) a shiny new layer will appear over the brows, and it will shield you from seeing your strokes. It may look cloudy or blurry for a few days.  Don't panic, they will reappear in 1-2 weeks, and will be fully healed at 6 weeks.

Please be patient to see your final results and avoid picking, as this can result in uneven color, blank spots, or scarring.  It takes a full 6 weeks or more to see your healed results.  Once we are in the touch-up timeframe, we can add more density, or make any necessary adjustments.  Touch-up visits should fall between 6-8 weeks, so please plan accordingly.  

Some residual swelling, redness, or blanching (whiteness around treatment area) is normal and can last a few hours to a few days.

Healing is specific to each client.  You will need a touch-up every 1-3 years to maintain fresh and natural appearance.  Some clients may choose to come in sooner for a small touch-up visit.  Everyone's genetics, physiological makeup, and lifestyle will affect the treatment in various, unique ways.  You may still need to fill in or powder your brows after they heal- this is an enhancement to your natural brows, not a permanent one. 

Sun exposure can fade healed pigment over time, so avoid extended sunbathing and ALWAYS wear sunscreen on the face and brow area.

Smoking WILL cause pigment to fade prematurely.

Glycolic acid, retinol products, exfoliating, and other treatments should always be avoided in the brow area, as it will lighten the pigment.

If you are having laser resurfacing, or laser hair removal, inform your technician, as lasers can change the color of your pigment.  Lash & hair growth serums can also shift pigments and are not recommended for use within 2 months before and after procedure.

               Pre & Post Care Dermal Fillers


Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to appointment 

Avoid blood thinners such as ibuprofen 72 hours prior to treatment

Arnica tablets can be taken to reduce bruising ​


Bruising and swelling is normal.

After 48 hours (lips only) please massage the treated area for 2 minutes a day for 7 days

Rhinoplasty only - do not apply ice and do not wear any form of glasses for 3 weeks as you will cause migration.

Cheeks only - Sleep on your back for 3 days.

Avoid touching the treated area or applying products including make up for 6 hours following treatment. After that light makeup can be applied and the area can be gently washed with soap and water.


Until the initial swelling and redness has resolved please do not expose the area to intense heat. Eg sunbeds, sunbathing, gym, sauna, steam room or extreme cold.

Please do not exercise for 48 hours after your procedure as it can cause migration of filler.

If you have previous suffered facial herpes, there is a risk that injections could contribute to another eruption., treat as usual if so.

If you are using aspirin or any similar medication, please be aware that this may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site.

Any injection causes an inflammatory response – This means two things;

• This is not your final result – It is not uncommon for the treatment area to remain swollen for up to two weeks. During this time the area may look very uneven, feel bumpy, bruised, discoloured and may feel sore. Please do not panic. It is normal  during this period to not be entirely happy with your results. Patience here is key.

• The final result will be apparent approximately 14 days after treatment. Any initial discomfort during this period can be eased by application of ice.


67e Victoria Road,


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